1st Place - $500.00

2nd Place - $300.00

3rd Place - $150.00


2024 brings a new look and new course to the VERY challenging and difficult Morgan Hill Meat Grinder!

The MHMG will take place once again on the Finger Lakes Trail in Morgan Hill State Forest. We’ll be starting and finishing the race at the Community Shelter at Highland Forest County Park, which is a new location but one that will always be available.

The Morgan Hill Meat Grinder is not for the faint of heart!

In 2024, race distances will be the classic 50 Mile and 25K (replacing the Half Marathon).

Both distances will offer varied terrain, from technical single track, steep elevation gains and losses, forest road, and stream crossings.

​The 2024 MHMG will take place on Saturday, 28 September, which means the temps could be anywhere between 30 and 100 or from very wet to very dry…so best to be prepared!?!

Runner support for Reluctant Runner Racing is a top priority and while this race has earned its reputation as a difficult race, it’s also recognized for the support offered at several aid stations. As we get closer to the race, more information will be provided about the support, swag, and finishers prizes.

A portion of your registration will be donated to the Finger Lakes Trail Conference. We couldn’t put this race on without the support and care for the trails that FLTC provides!


Friday, 1 March 2024

course description.

Both distances will start at the Community Shelter at Highland Forest County Park.

The trails at Highland can be rugged but after a couple of miles of some relative downhill running, you’ll pop out onto about 1.5 miles of farm road (Bardeen). At the other end of Bardeen, you’ll head onto the trails leading to Morgan Hill. These trails traverse some farms before entering the woods on the South side of Morgan Hill. The first Aid Station will be about mile 7, you’ll see this same aid station much later in the race when you’re about to make the final push back to the finish. A few more miles through some pine forest, past Shackham Pond, and a couple of creek crossings you’ll come to Spruce Pond and start the Fellowes Hill loop before coming to the Spruce Pond campground Aid Station (~12 miles).

From here, runners will start the climb up to the Hanglider Overlook. It’s not the steep climb out of Spruce Pond that’ll get you but rather the gradual and never ending uphill slog that will really start to wear on your legs! On this segment, you’ll cross over a couple of creeks, which could be dry, have a trickle of water, or be flowing!

Once at the Overlook, take a quick peak straight down at the Lab Hollow parking lot. That’s going to be your next stop and aid station but it’s not a straight shot…you’ll have a mile of downhill running and then a nice runnable single track along the Skyline Terrace before popping out onto the road and parking area.

It’ll only be a couple of miles before you’ll be able to meet your crew at the Lab Hollow Aid Station (~16.5 miles). From here there’s an out and back that will cover a total of about 5 miles towards Heiberg Forest (H20 only). It’s up to you and your race planning how you choose to use the Lab Hollow aid station, you can make a longer stop at either mile 16.5 or 21.25.

This segment of the course will send you up and over the ridge across the top of Tinker Falls, over some creeks and then up towards Morgan Hill and Kelly’s aid. The creekside climb up to the Lean-to is tough and pretty at the same time but you’ve got a little more climbing to do from the Lean-to, so keep pushing!

Your first stop at Kelly’s Aid (~26.75) will be a welcome respite after such an arduous climb! Finally, you’ll have some downhill forest road ahead that will give your climbing muscles a little bit of a break! From Kelly’s you’ll have about a 5 mile loop ahead of you, evenly split among forest road, power line, and single track trail. Make your visit back to Kelly’s quick and keep it moving. Your next aid station will be nearly 10 miles so make sure you’re stocked up. The next stretch will start out on forest road again before jumping onto some newly built mountain bike trails. This 10 mile segment will cover some elevation, overall it’s down but there will be a few short climbs to navigate as well.

After the 10 mile stretch, you’ll find yourself at about mile 40 and the very first aid station you saw at mile 7. From this point you have two big climbs remaining, one will cover about 330’ of gain in 2.5 miles and the other will be 500’ over 2 miles (you’re welcome)!

What a way to finish the race and a big part of the reason it’s called the Meat Grinder! The final 10 miles covers some forest road, single-track, and FLAT farm road. It’s a long stretch without aid so there will be a water stop at mile 46.5 to help get you through the final push the end.

The full Meat Grinder will cover 50.4 miles with approximately 8400’ of elevation gain. I assure you after a day on the trails at Morgan Hill, the person crossing the finish line won’t be the same that started! This course will challenge every fiber of your being but at the end, you’ll be better for the effort!

CONGRATULATIONS! You can now call yourself a Meat Grinder!

RAce information

  • Race Rules

    1. Have Fun.

    2. Support each other.

    3. Thank the volunteers.

    4. Have Fun.

    5. Leave No Trace! Do not litter along the course, if you see a piece of trash, pick it up, even if it’s not yours!

    6. No muling by pacers.

    7. Aid may only be rendered at Race provided Aid Stations and within a marked footprint of the Aid Station. Crews should check in with the AS Captains to understand the appropriate locations.

    8. Runners must have left the Aid Station prior to the assigned cutoff time.

  • Volunteer

    This race would not happen without the help of the most amazing group of volunteers! If you as an individual or a group you’re involved with would like to volunteer, please reach out to the RD at iain.nelson@reluctantrunnerracing.com.

Other Race Info

  • Pacers

    Pacers are only permitted for the 50-mile runners and may be picked up at the following locations along the course:

    1st Kelly’s Aid Station - mile 26.75

    2nd Kelly’s Aid Station - mile 31.75

    Morgan Hill Rd Parking - mile 40.5

    Pacers must abide by the same rules as their runners as well as the following:

    - 1 Pacer per runner on course

    - No muling for their runners

    - Must carry the same required gear as runners

    - Check in with the Aid Station Captain/Volunteer to sign waiver and receive your Pacer Bib.

    - Check out with the Aid Station Captain/Volunteer to let them know you’re no longer on the course.

  • Crew Access & Drop Bags


    There will be no drop bag only locations.


    25K - No crew permitted

    50-Mile - Crew/Pacers Permitted at specified Aid Stations.

    Crew Access information to be provided at a later time.

  • Cutoff Times

    In order to meet the cutoff time times, all runners must be through the aid station prior to the assigned time below.


    Start - 8 am

    Finish/Final Race Cutoff - 1:00 pm


    Start - 6:00 am

    - CUTOFF #1

    Lab Hollow Aid Station (2nd Stop)

    Mile - 21.25

    Cutoff - 1:00 pm

    - CUTOFF #2

    Kelly’s Aid Station (2nd Stop)

    Mile - 31.75

    Cutoff - 3:30 pm

    - CUTOFF #3

    Morgan Hill Rd Aid Station

    Mile - 40.5

    Cutoff - 6:00 pm

    - CUTOFF #4

    Finish Line - Community Shelter

    Mile - 50.4

    Cutoff - 10:00 pm

    ***If the runner has not left the designated AID STATION area prior to the above listed times, the runner will receive a DNF/Missed Cutoff and be pulled from the course.***